Hi, I'm David.

I help humans and computers get along.

I'm a developer and digital designer living and working in Gothenburg, Sweden; doing frontend development as well as UX/UI design. I feel strongly about human-centered design, accessibility, and the idea that form should follow function.

Things I've made

Antisocial Bibliophile

A combined picture showing three smartphone screenshots of an application: the first, showing a reading list with a number of books; the second showing details for the book "Technically Wrong"; and the third showing the author page for author Sara Wachter-Boettcher.

Work in progress. A progressive web app that let's you access Goodreads functionality without any of the social features.

Jul utan djur

A screenshot showing a website with the title "Jul utan djur" and a grid displaying pictures of food with text underneath.

Inspiring a more ethical and sustainable holiday food tradition by collecting and presenting fully vegetarian (vegan) Swedish christmas recipes.

Draw Together

A combined picture showing three smartphone screenshots of drawing game.

Work in progress. A web based collaboration game where you use your drawing skills to recreate paintings together.

Check out these and other projects on my GitHub.

Get in touch

Feel free to hit me up on Twitter, LinkedIn, or with a good old-fashioned email.